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Tech Mahindra Hiring Freshers Graduates and Experienced Professionals As Developers and Designers At India Location

Tech Mahindra Hiring Freshers Graduates and Experienced Professionals As Developers and Designers At India Location Tech Mahindra Company Profile Tech Mahindra is part of the US $14.4 billionMahindra Group and is a leading global systems integrator and businesstransformation consulting organization, focused primarily on thetelecommunications industry....

Amdocs Off Campus Drive for B.E/B.Tech, MCA (2013 Pasout Freshers) at Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering

Amdocs Off Campus Drive for B.E/B.Tech, MCA (2013  Pasout Freshers) at  Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering  Dear All, Greetings from Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Pune !! It gives me pleasure to inform that off campus recruitment drive of Amdocs for already passed out 2013 batch students (not for the earlier batches like 2011/12 or not for current final year batch 2014) is scheduled on 26th Nov. 2013 at 9:00am...

CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation) Hiring Bachelor's degree Graduates (0 or more Years) As Application Designer At Chennai Location

CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation) Hiring Bachelor's degree Graduates (0 or more Years) As Application Designer At Chennai Location CSC Corp Company Profile Computer Sciences Corporation is a leading global IT Services company. CSC provides innovative solutions for customers around the world by applying leading technologies and CSC’s own advanced...

P&G (Procter & Gamble) Hiring BE/BTech Graduates As Technical Engineer At All India Location

P&G (Procter & Gamble) Hiring BE/BTech Graduates As Technical Engineer At All India Location P&G (Procter & Gamble) Company Profile The Procter & Gamble (P&G) Company, also known as P&G, is an American multinational consumer goods company headquartered in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. Its products include pet...

Tesco Hindustan Service Centre (HSC) Hiring B.Arch/B.Tech/B.E. Graduates (0 - 2 Years) As Design Engineer At Bangalore Location

Tesco Hindustan Service Centre (HSC) Hiring UG - B.Arch - Architecture, B.Tech/B.E. - Civil , PG - Any Postgraduate Graduates (0 - 2 Years) As Design Engineer At Bengaluru/Bangalore Location Tesco Hindustan Service Centre (HSC) Company Profile The Tesco Hindustan Service Centre (HSC) is the Global Services Arm for Tesco. The centre sits at the heart...

HTC Global Services Walkin Drive For BE / B.Tech / MCA / MS / MSc - 2010, 2011 and 2012 Passout Freshers From 20 November to 22 November 2013 at Chennai Location

Company Name: HTC Global Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Role:  Associate/Senior Associate -(NonTechnical) Location: Chennai Qualification:             BE / B.Tech / MCA / MS IT / M.Sc CS - passed out in 2010, 2011 & 2012. Experience Required: 0 to 2 Yrs Salary:             Best...

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Hiring B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech,MCA, B.Sc ,BCA, M.Sc Graduates (Freshers) As Services Information Developer At Bangalore Location

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Hiring B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech, B.Sc , M.Sc Graduates (Freshers) As Services Information Developer At Bangalore Location Hewlett-Packard (HP) Stanford University classmates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in 1939. The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator - an electronic test instrument...

TIBCO Software India Pvt Ltd Hiring B.E/B.Tech Graduates (2013 pass outs) As Technical Support Engineer

TIBCO Software India Pvt Ltd Company Profile: TIBCO delivers the 'Power of Now' with integration software that connects incompatible IT assets, process management software that orchestrates systems and people, and a range of other software products that enable the real-time processing and presentation of information. In forward-thinking IT departments around...

Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd Hiring B.E/ME Graduates As SW Intern At Bangalore Location

Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd focuses on creating innovative products that advance the next generation of technology. Intel with its strong technology heritage, provides an opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology, pushing the boundaries of innovation and transforming the way people live and work. Job...

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